Thursday, February 24, 2011

Apakah Tujuan Utama Kelompok Sel?

Kelompok sel diperlukan semata-mata untuk mencapai tujuan Allah melalui gereja-Nya, sebagaimana yang disebut dalam Kolose 1:28 dan Efesus 4:13.

Saling memperhatikan

Hal yang paling sulit dialami dalam ibadah raya ialah saling mempedulikan. Dalam sel yang sehat, Kristus bekerja memberkati setiap anggota, sehingga setiap orang menerima dan memiliki hidup Kristus, saling mengasihi dengan kasih Kristus, saling menolong, dan saling membantu (Efesus 4:1-6). Di dalam kelompok sel yang sehat, Kristus memerintah, Roh Kudus bekerja, kasih-Nya mengalir dan dialami oleh setiap orang. Dalam kelompok sel yang sehat, Allah bekerja, sehingga kesatuan sejati dan kesehatian yang tulus (Kisah Para Rasul 3:32a) terwujud tanpa kemunafikan. Inilah yang menunjang pertumbuhan rohani setiap anggota, saling menguatkan untuk membawa kasih itu kepada orang lain.

Penjangkauan keluar.

Pertumbuhan rohani yang sehat tidak dapat dipisahkan dari upaya untuk mengasihi yang terhilang dalam dosa. Sebaliknya, kasih Kristus yang dialami dalam kelompok sel adalah dorongan kuat untuk menjangkau jiwa bagi Tuhan. Tugas ini dapat dikerjakan oleh setiap orang, tetapi akan lebih efektif bila dilaksanakan dalam kelompok sel. Dalam kelompok sel setiap orang didoakan, disiapkan, dan dilatih untuk diutus keluar menjangkau orang yang belum percaya bagi Allah sebagai bukti pekerjaan Kristus dalam hidupnya. Di sisi lain, orang yang dimenangkan itu, bila dibawa ke dalam kelompok yang tidak saling mengasihi, akan sangat sulit, bahkan merusak kesaksian Kristiani. Orang Kristen baru itu tidak merasakan kasih Kristus, dan tidak menemukan hal yang berbeda dengan keadaan di dunia sekuler, bila orang dalam persekutuan Kristen tidak saling mengasihi. Akibatnya, ia sulit bertahan hidup dalam kelompok seperti itu dan mencari kelompok lain yang dapat menolong pertumbuhan imannya. Hal ini tidak dapat ditemukan dalam penginjilan secara pribadi (Pengkhotbah 4:9-12, Matius 16:19-20).

Mengembangkan karunia rohani.

Berdasarkan kebenaran Firman Tuhan, setiap orang yang sudah bertobat, menerima Kristus dan dilahirkan kembali, memiliki Roh Kudus (Efesus 1:13-14). Roh Kudus itulah yang membagikan karunia bagi setiap orang percaya (Kisah Para Rasul 2:38; 1Korintus 12:4-13). Bila kita jujur, banyak orang percaya hidup bertahun- tahun, tanpa mengetahui dengan jelas karunia apa yang dimilikinya, walaupun telah bertobat. Itulah sebabnya, ia tidak bertumbuh secara sehat dan kurang giat dalam pekerjaan Tuhan. Tentu ada banyak alasan, tetapi salah satunya yang penting ialah orang itu tidak berada dalam satu kelompok kecil yang dapat saling memperhatikan atau saling mendoakan dan saling mendorong dalam pertumbuhan. Hal ini tidak mungkin dikerjakan dalam ibadah raya, sebab perlu pengajaran dalam proses pemuridan yang teratur. Dan terjadilah hal yang sangat disayangkan, yaitu tidak semua orang percaya diberdayakan bagi kemajuan gereja Tuhan.

Mempersiapkan gereja di masa sulit.

Bila orang tidak diajarkan secara sistematis dan tidak dilatih untuk melayani menurut karunianya, imannya mudah goyah. Itulah sebabnya, bila datang tantangan iman, mereka mudah menjadi lemah dan berbalik kepada kepercayaan yang sia-sia. Kelompok sel bukan hanya mempersiapkan orang Kristen agar hidup dalam anugerah Allah, tetapi juga menolong orang Kristen agar dapat bertahan terus di masa-masa sulit sebab tidak bergantung pada gedung tertentu. Kelompok sel dapat berlangsung di mana-mana, di rumah anggota atau di ruangan yang sederhana, itulah salah satu cirinya yang dinamis.

Dipetik dari Sabda.Org

Friday, July 2, 2010

Family Matter

Have you ever noticed that in everyday life, people often take their family for granted? Many don’t really know how to show appreciation towards one another. For example, husband seldom says ‘Thank you’ when his wife helps him to prepare his socks and shoes. The wife doesn’t say ‘Have a good day’ when her husband goes to work. No goodnight kiss or goodbye kiss. Kids don’t say ‘good morning’ when they see their parents at the breakfast table. Don’t be surprised to find out that many married couples don’t even say ‘I love you’ anymore. Why?

Over the years, we tend to think that whatever our family’s doing for us is something that they SHOULD be doing. It’s my husband’s obligation to drive me to the grocery store no matter how busy he is; after all I’m buying things for the whole family, not just for myself. It’s my wife’s responsibility to make sure the house is clean, because she is the housewife, I don’t really need to help, I’m already tired working all day long. It’s my parents’ duty to give me a good and expensive education, because they were the ones who brought me into this world, I never asked to be born. These kinds of thought and countless others are the cause of lack of respect that can occur in any family nowadays, Christian or non Christian.

Birthdays are not celebrated. Anniversaries are forgotten. There is no love in the air. I often come across families in the restaurant that just eat their meal in silence. No meaningful conversation takes place. No smile or laughter. Everybody is busy in his/her own thought. Some teenagers can’t even wait to finish up their food so they can go ahead to hang out with their friends at the arcade or mall which they find more exciting than spending time with their parents. Why is this happening?
Firstly, the husband and wife must be able to give example to the children. Children will not understand how to love their parents if every day they see their parents quarrelling and fighting between themselves. Love must be established between husband and wife. Get rid of all suspicion; make effort to reconcile any differences between husband and wife. Forgive each other. Come to God and pray together as a couple. Then, the children will be able to see the changes. They will feel the difference that takes place at home. No more negative words spoken. They feel loved; therefore they will be able to love.

I thank God for my family. I know my family is not perfect, but each member has willingness to love and forgive. We have gone through a lot, good times and bad times; yet, we still stick together as one. In another opportunity, perhaps I will share to you about my family. Meanwhile, I pray that your family will also be changed and restored by God. No matter how broken, God can do miracles. Amen.

Ephesians 5:1-2, “Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.”

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Unplugged Musical Drama in Easter Day

Shalom Bro. & Sis! Pada 12 April 2009 , jam 2.30 pm ini, kita akan mengadakan Unplugged Musical Drama di Gereja Grace Shah Alam bagi mengingati dan menghargai pergorbanan Tuhan kita Yesus kristus di kayu salib. Mari saudara/i , kita bersama - sama menikmati event ini dengan hati yang penuh dengan ucapan syukur dan terima kasih .

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Seminar Pujian & Penyembahan Gereja Grace Shah Alam

Shalom Bro. & Sis! Gereja Grace Shah Alam dengan rindunya menjemput saudara/i yang dikasihi Tuhan Yesus Kristus untuk menghadiri seminar Pujian & Penyembahan 2009. Mari lah kita sama - sama mendapat berkat lewat seminar ini. Tuhan berkati.

Monday, January 19, 2009

How You Can Experience God's Love and Forgiveness

If you have asked Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior, you have been completely forgiven of all your sins. The Bible says, “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us” (Psalm 103:12). Jesus’ death on the cross took away your sins. He died so that you could be free from the guilt and shame of your sin and experience God’s total love and forgiveness.
Now God sees you as if you had never sinned. We are told in the Bible “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1). You are now one of those who are in Christ Jesus, free from condemnation! God has also made a way for you to be forgiven if you sin in the future. As Christians, we are promised “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (I John 1:9). Go now and thank God that you can experience life as one completely forgiven!
Key verses
“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:7).
“I am writing to you, little children, because your sins have been forgiven on account of His name” (I John 2:12).
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (I John 1:9).